Dodávky tabletů opět klesají. Tentokrát o 13.5 procenta a roste jenom Apple a Huawei

Dodávky tabletů opět klesají. Tentokrát o 13.5 procenta a roste jenom Apple a Huawei. Viz Tablets Shipments Continue to Decline, Down 13.5% as Apple and Huawei Are the Only Top Companies Showing Growth in the Second Quarter, According to IDC Top Five Tablet Companies, Worldwide Shipments, Market Share, and Year-Over-Year Growth, Second Quarter 2018  (Preliminary…

IDC: Dodávky chytrých telefonů stoupají, tabletů klesají.

IDC: Dodávky chytrých telefonů stoupají, tabletů klesají. Tablety klesají navíc už dvanáct čtvrtletí. Viz Tablet Market Declines 5.4% in Third Quarter Despite 4 of Top 5 Vendors Showing Positive Year-Over-Year Growth, According to IDC Top Five Tablet Companies, Worldwide Shipments, Market Share, and Growth, Third Quarter 2017 (preliminary results, shipments in millions) Vendor 3Q17 Unit Shipments…