Dodávky tabletů opět klesají. Tentokrát o 13.5 procenta a roste jenom Apple a Huawei

Od Rychlofky

Dodávky tabletů opět klesají. Tentokrát o 13.5 procenta a roste jenom Apple a Huawei. Viz Tablets Shipments Continue to Decline, Down 13.5% as Apple and Huawei Are the Only Top Companies Showing Growth in the Second Quarter, According to IDC

Top Five Tablet Companies, Worldwide Shipments, Market Share, and Year-Over-Year Growth, Second Quarter 2018 

(Preliminary results, combined company view for the current quarter only, shipments in millions)

Company 2Q18 Unit Shipments 2Q18 Market Share 2Q17 Unit Shipments 2Q17 Market Share Year-Over-Year Growth
1. Apple 11.5 34.9% 11.4 29.9% 0.9%
2. Samsung 5.0 15.1% 6.0 15.6% -16.1%
3. Huawei 3.4 10.3% 3.1 8.2% 7.7%
4. Lenovo* 2.0 6.0% 2.2 5.7% -8.4%
5. 1.6 4.9% 2.4 6.4% -33.5%
Others 9.5 28.8% 13.1 34.2% -27.1%
Total 33.0 100.0% 38.2 100.0% -13.5%
Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly PCD Tracker, August 1, 2018
* Starting in 2Q18, Lenovo volume includes Fujitsu as per their joint venture.

2018-08-03 09_32_45-Tablets Shipments Continue to Decline, Down 13.5% as Apple and Huawei Are the On.png